TPgSQL Properties

Properties of the TPgSQL class.

For a complete list of the TPgSQL class members, see the TPgSQL Members topic.


Name Description

ChangeCursor (inherited from TCustomDASQL)

Enables or disables changing screen cursor when executing commands in the NonBlocking mode.

Debug (inherited from TCustomDASQL)

Used to display the statement that is being executed and the values and types of its parameters.

FinalSQL (inherited from TCustomDASQL)

Used to return a SQL statement with expanded macros.


Returns OID of the record inserted by the last query for table with OIDs.

MacroCount (inherited from TCustomDASQL)

Used to get the number of macros associated with the Macros property.

Macros (inherited from TCustomDASQL)

Makes it possible to change SQL queries easily.

ParamCheck (inherited from TCustomDASQL)

Used to specify whether parameters for the Params property are implicitly generated when the SQL property is being changed.

ParamCount (inherited from TCustomDASQL)

Indicates the number of parameters in the Params property.

ParamValues (inherited from TCustomDASQL)

Used to get or set the values of individual field parameters that are identified by name.

Prepared (inherited from TCustomDASQL)

Used to indicate whether a query is prepared for execution.

RowsAffected (inherited from TCustomDASQL)

Used to indicate the number of rows which were inserted, updated, or deleted during the last query operation.

SQL (inherited from TCustomDASQL)

Used to provide a SQL statement that a TCustomDASQL component executes when the Execute method is called.


Name Description


The time to wait for a statement to be executed.


Used to specify a connection object that will be used to connect to a data store.


Contains parameters for a query's SQL statement.


Used to apply simple executing to a SQL statement.


Used to disable automatic detection of the parameters data types.

See Also

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